Sunday, January 27, 2008

Spiritual Realm vs. Spiritual State

Q. Some people are very comfortable communicating with God; others are not. Talk to us about prayer and other ways to access the spiritual realm.

A. How to touch God? How to touch the hem of his garment? What is that garment that must be touched? Can we touch it by prayer? To ask God for the very things He has provided us with already is to insult Him and drive His sweet holiness away.

Can we get close to Him by praise and worship? He is gentle and appreciates an open heart of love, but that approach leaves the EGO open for emotional hype and false emotions.

The way of getting close to God that meets my heart's desires, that meets the Bible requirements and posts the least resistance is, according to these Bible suggestions:

The Psalmist cried out with great intensity, “One thing have I desired of the Lord and that one thing will I seek after, that I might dwell in the House of the Lord (His consciousness) forever, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in His tabernacle.” (Psalm 27:4)

Our essence is His tabernacle; our inner self is designed to seek Him in order to behold the Beauty of the Lord. To BEHOLD his beauty means that we pass up the usual watering holes of our EGO’S demand for emotional stimulation as we given in to our hunger to really know Him in all His hidden beauty.

Remember that God’s primary mode of communication is not language oriented. This is because language tends to be about things already over and done with. The communication that touches the garment must be in the NOW as it is happening. It must carry the hope that, if I can just touch his garment, the hem of that garment, He will reach out and touch me.

Will this bring us into a “spiritual realm" of some sort? Remember that God is Spirit. There is no place where God is not present. Therefore, it is impossible to be out of a spiritual realm; but it is possible to be insensitive to the Spirit. The Holy Spirit calls that state “the grieving of the Spirit.”

The most effective cure for grieving the Spirit is learning ways to quiet your inner man, to cut his brain noise to a very low level so that you can reach out and touch. The lesson to learn is that you are always in a spiritual realm, but not always in a spiritual state. Asking the Holy Spirit for wisdom in this area of your life helps to make "God consciousness" a reality.

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