Sunday, February 24, 2008

To 20 Bible Questions #6: Interracial Marriage

Q. What does the Bible say about interracial marriage?

A. The Bible has much to say about interracial marriage. Boaz's marriage to Ruth the Moabitess was a condemned practice; and according to prevailing customs, she should have been stoned. That was the rule for most pagan tribes near or far, but we know that Ruth was a Moabite, of whom Jesus was a direct descendant.

We also know that Rahab the harlot who lowered the string over the wall of Jericho was a condemned person but also became the great grandma of David.

Even Moses put up with gossip because he had married a Cushite woman. So much for Biblical injunctions and dogmas about mixed marriage.

Our concern is the social impact on today’s way of living. Obviously, the complications of interracial marriage take many forms, some easier to work out than others.

The impact on mixed children differs according to which part of the world you are reared. Folks in the southern United States have taken longer to accept children of interracial marriages than have residents in the North. Much of this is due to the influence of the Civil War on the South.

As far as this writer is concerned, interracial marriage is a matter of two people falling in love or what seems to be that state, and then subsequently working out problems as they arise.

There are some great movies on this subject like unto “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?” with Sydney Poitier and a cast of stars. My suggestion is to talk it over with both sets of parents, who might bring some wisdom into the picture.

It is my experience that nothing but experience helps while we live with a changing society. And we have to work out problems as they arise, one at a time.


Kay said...

I think that interracial marriage shouldn't even be a word. All it does is create more separation between cultures. People in love, Whether one is black and one is white should have absolutely nothing to do with whether or not they should get married. I feel that the color of someones skin shouldn't matter at all in the society. But unfortunately some view the color of ones skin as their social standing. I mean, you don't hear much about racism today because people are afraid of offending others. And that isn't a bad thing to be worried about others feelings but it is the reason you are concerned about others feelings that does matter. Seriously there are some people today that view black people as slaves and that is just plain wrong. Slavery still exists today no matter what race you are. It happens, locally and globally. My hope for the future is that the race or color of someones skin won't even be noticed as a negative thing. And if noticed it would be like someones hair color. I know that everyone would have to come to God before that would happen and I don't know if that would ever happen.....but God can do why not hope for anything?

Dr. George Monta said...

Dearest Kayleigh:
Your remarks shoulder God's love for all. Your thinking is clear, well expressed and my mind find them as comfortable partners in the whole divine scheme of thing. I share your hope for the future and wish I had stated it in the blog. You have a lovely mind. I admire you!